I'm going to talk about color today. With color, the main representation between mafia movies is orange/reddish tone. That will be shown with lighting. The lights will make the set pop out more in that color. Since the mafia movie has some more old representation of the house, the color will fit since the house is also an orangish tone.

This image is from "The Godfather" and it is shown to have an orangish tone, not just to the set but the props too. The food has a lot of orange sticking out, and the brown around the table with the wood allows the orange to pop out even more. This means that I'm going to need some orange-type food or props, and to make sure the furniture is more brownish and fits the orange color.

This image is from "Mobster" and it is clear to have a red color scheme to their film. The red allows it to pop out and seem more attractive to the eye, especially to the table, drinks, and the girl in red. Not only that, but it allows the person in white to pop out more since the red blends in with the black that everyone else wears. I will also try to incorporate red into the main areas I want the audience to focus on, but also on characters.
The costume will also be good for color design since I plan on giving it main importance. The characters that are related to each other and close to each other will have similar color patterns. Some may be wearing black with a hint of green, and another with blue, but in the end, the green and blue clearly establish that they are different families and that to the others wearing similar colors there is a correlation. I will also make sure the characters pop out that I want to be the main focus, for example using red. All of this will ensure I establish a clear color tone and make sure I can use color more effectively for the story rather than just the set.
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