Thursday, March 31, 2022
The beginning of the end
Sunday, March 27, 2022
The Oscars
Today the Oscar’s were on, this is right after I watched it. I got to see all the beautiful movies and nominees for the movies. It really inspired me for what I have done. Not only that but there was a special feature by some actors for the movie “The Godfather”. This instantly made me think of my film opening because it is mainly based on it. I was happy to see the people come out and speak of their thoughts on the movie and to see others perspectives. It really made me think I did well for my film opening and it has a meaning in the end.
Saturday, March 26, 2022
Today I received critique in my video and took them all into consideration, I have to now implement them into the video, and see if it works for the main message and theme I am working on. Otherwise the video will be complete and all ready. I’m very excited to see the final outcome!
Friday, March 25, 2022
Brink of completion
Today I finished my editing process completely. Only need to add a few more details and it'll be complete. I am also going to ask some people for advice, including those from my class, and those who helped me with the characters. Once I get the feedback and take it into consideration, it should be complete.
Thursday, March 24, 2022
Pain of editing

Sunday, March 20, 2022
Today I had to reshoot some scenes due to camera issues, and audio quality, it was very frustrating to fit into the scehdule but in the end I made it work. I had other ideas to work on today, but this reshoot had to be done so it was extremely important. In the end I had to work extra hard and will post full progress tomorrow of everything I worked on tomorrow as well.
Friday, March 18, 2022
Everything went good this week with filming, and I got to talk with some friends about the topic. I recieved a lot of help and I was able to see what I can do. However an issue did occur, which I will discuss on tomorrows post in order to explain it further, and to officially find an answer to the issue as well. This issue is not a big deal, but does have to be resolved with.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022
Cameras on set!
The first two days of filming went excellent. The cast knew what they were doing what to say and it was perfect. There was one area that troubled me and i beleieve I need to look into it, but overall it went fantastic and I think we won't need any reshoot days so far. Hopefully the other days continue as well. All we are missing is the final scene where it'll be a shot counter shot type, and to try and see any shots that were missing or anything that may help in editing.
Sunday, March 13, 2022
What's my line?
Today was the day I officially finished the screenplay. I had many variations of it and none of them seemed to work out. I had to modify it a couple of times but I finally finished it, especially since filming was about to begin. I am going to start filming tomorrow, and I'm so excited to begin. There are many shots that I am so happy and excited to try out. Hopefully, it all goes well tomorrow and other days.
Here's a sneak peek at some lines I had added to my screenplay so far.
Wednesday, March 9, 2022
Lights on set!
Representation is a key aspect of this film opening. It has to be established that this family has a mafia-type family style. The main ways to do this are:

Tuesday, March 8, 2022
What to wear.. What to wear..
Representation is a key aspect of this film opening. It has to be established that this family has a mafia-type family style. The main ways to do this are:

Monday, March 7, 2022
Color it in

Friday, March 4, 2022
Fonts and Fonts and Fonts
Today I took some movies and decided to research their title cards and their credits within the opening of their movies.
I researched many movies and these were ones that inspired me most:
After researching these main areas I decided to create some drafts for fonts and this is what I came up with:
Wednesday, March 2, 2022
I had to decide on a location to start filming, which obviously needed the setting of a mafia area. That made me wonder about the type of location I would be using. I saw many movies that used locations such as a city, especially New York. I didn't have much of the outside for the story, so I tried researching it a bit more to try and find a good location that can be used. I saw a bunch of types of city-like structures, but eventually one caught my eye. It was a normal house, that looked semi-old, but it was very fit with the theme and time. It was like a family house with bushes and trees and a fence. It was more of a running area, and instead of just a city in the dark, it was lit up in the day. I thought I can use this type of house for the shots outside, and use the inside as well. My aunt's house was very similar to the type of house shown, so I decided to ask my aunt if I can film at her house, and she said yes. The environment is perfect for filming inside and has many rooms I can use in order to film, and also show as well.
City-like buildings
Old-like house (exterior)
Old-like house (interior)
Later on I decided to do this during the day as in that movie as well. The movie was "The Godfather" and it was shot during the day with outside scenes, meaning if I was inside I needed to to make sure the windows showed it was day and not night, meaning I need to get these shots during the day and the lighting had to be perfect with the direction of the sun.
Tuesday, March 1, 2022
Wearing the fit
For costume design, I had to think about a lot of costumes. This was extremely easy... for the men. Most movies only have men as the main characters when it comes to mafia styled movies. So finding costume designs for the women was hard, especially since the main character was most likely to be a female. Although I couldn't find much on the females, I did have the costume designs for men. I found that the main guys usually wear more of a suit outfit. For example, "The Godfather" has the main guys wearing suits with bow ties.
"The Godfather"
I thought later into the opening, there will be some characters that appear in the background, so essentially background characters. They usually wear something that appears natural and the same as all the other background characters so that they are shown to not be important like the main characters. One movie, in particular, caught my eye. "The Sting" is a movie made in 1973, and its costume design seems very natural and loose. I saw what the people were wearing under, and saw that they had normal button-up shirts and some ties. I thought maybe these background characters can have this type of costume design. The characters can wear button-ups with rolled-up shirts and maybe a hat as well to show they are just there as minor characters.
"The Sting"
I then had to think of the other main characters, who are not as important. Going back to "The Sting", I saw that the main person has just a vest on and a tie. I thought, "maybe they can have something similar." So I decided that the characters would have a variety of things to wear, that'll make them stand out. I thought it would be best if everyone had different style choices. These characters would be connected to the main characters wearing suits, so I decided to make them wear similar color schemes, and to also give them similar attire. For example, if one character in a red suit was wearing a hat, the character related to them wouldn't wear the suit but would wear a red outfit (button up preferably), and would also wear a hat and put the two close together at some point.
Researching the men, eventually, I found some more costume designs for the women of the film opening. They have similar costumes as men, for example, suits. The main difference was these were suits for females. I thought maybe the older and more seen characters would wear this type of suit as well. Which relates to the main characters who are wearing suits. So it would be a matching outfit for the family or one side. This mainly came from the movie "Bonnie and Clyde" a film made in 1967 which does star a female. This helped show what can relate, and the schemes do match with the outfit. The white on one character makes her stand out, showing her as the main target, but it matches the hat that the man next to her is wearing, so I can most likely accomplish a similar goal.
"Bonnie and Clyde"
I found another movie called "The Gangster Squad" that has a female star in it as well. Although she wears more dress-like outfits, some do match the contrast of the suit. Then I thought, maybe the side that is opposing the main characters can be wearing this type of outfit, which shows how there is no connection to the business, unlike what the main characters are trying to achieve. This can show then contrast between the family and address the conflict using different means as well.
"The Gangster Squad"
I thought I was done, but I realized that I have to make my character stick out. Then I thought of something that can show both meanings, and make the character stand out to the main purpose of the character. I can do something similar to what the men are gonna wear. Just like a son will wear similar clothing to the father, this character will do so too. Since it's an all-female side, and one does need to come up eventually and stick in, she can wear similar outfits to the males, and show more authority than them by wearing more suitlike clothing, that the men would wear, and relate the schemes to the father. In the end, all costume designs will have meaning behind them, and try and are attractive to the audience to focus on the main characters.
Here is my CCR! Hope you enjoy! CCR
Today I did some research on some equipment I can use. I already have a canon DSLR camera, along with several tripods. I also had some...
Everything went good this week with filming, and I got to talk with some friends about the topic. I recieved a lot of help and I was a...
Representation is a key aspect of this film opening. It has to be established that this family has a mafia-type family style. The main ways ...